Thursday, February 24, 2011

Skin Cancer

Originally published in Skin Cancer Pictures

Skin Cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of skin cells that are not controlled, which can be caused among others because of the large oxidant substances in the body, exposed to radioactive rays, and exposed to ultraviolet light directly without the protector. This disease can damage surrounding tissue and can spread to
other parts of the body, your body will be damaged even more fatal consequences that can cause death if not recognized and addressed.

Skin cancer usually grows in the epidermis (outermost layer of skin), so that skin cancer is early stage cancer that most easily detected. This type of cancer more common in whites than skin color or have a little amount of melamine in the skin. Skin cancer these days tend to have increased in number especially in the Americas, Australia and England. Because they are bright white and often bask in the sun, these cancers usually occur in places most exposed to sunlight, especially: ear, cheek bones, temples, nose, and lips.

But basically anyone can have skin cancer. High-risk groups are those related to excessive sunlight for a long time. What is also prone to skin cancer are people who live in areas that get a lot of sunlight, jg can also be caused by direct contact karsinogenetik substances (coal, pesticides, and paraffin oil). Not only that, many causes that can be a person of skin cancer include:

Family history (heredity), a chemical carcinogen to the skin, ionizing radiation, and cosmetics. It is advisable to avoid it so as not contracting skin cancer, because maybe it's the only way to prevent it.

Skin cancer can be identified with their own characteristics when the new skin growths or changes in skin growth that is example is:

1. Changes in skin form that resembles a mole or black spot asymmetrical shape that feels itchy and painful.

2. Easy injured and bleeding on the black spot that does not heal.

3. Increasingly larger.

4. Change shape and color.

5. There is a clear elevation of skin.

6. Uneven shape.

7. It usually appears face. Neck, chest, upper back, and torso.

If you find these characteristics in your body, then immediately consult a dermatologist or the nearest health institutions in order to get care.

The form of prevention you can do is:

1. Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight between the hours of 09:00 to 16:00. (Recommended for use as a protective umbrella, a minimum of SPF 15 sunblock, hat, clothing covering the body).

2. Avoid chemicals that are carcinogens.

3. Avoid ionizing radiation such as X-ray is very excessive.

4. Conducting a healthy life such as sports, take vitamins, consumption of fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water because of good for the body.

5. Check your skin regularly, is there a black spot or mole that changes the nature and form. Always alert, healthy living, care for the body and immediately consult a doctor if worried about his skin.

More information about skin cancer, you may recognize from the image below as a reference or references to your understanding of skin cancer.

The types and classification of skin cancer

In general, skin cancer is divided into 2 groups: Non - melanotik and melanotik (melanoma). Non - melanotik divided into basalioma (basal cell carcinoma) and squamous cell carcinoma.

1. Non - Melanotik

a. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) / Basalioma

Basalioma most common but slow growth. Usually these tumors arise in the skin of the face (nose, eyelids, skin, lips, upper back and forehead). Skin colors are bright and often exposed to sunlight heating the two suspected as the cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Other factors that also may be the cause of this cancer type is a weak immune system (both the impact of other diseases or treatment), burns, X-ray beam. But cancer cells can grow and cause damage to surrounding skin tissue, growth begins with a small nodule with a shiny red-gray color, sometimes blackish in color due to pigments. Rarely do these types of metastatic cancer. Types of skin cancer is the most human suffering. BCC grows very slowly, but nonetheless damaging and undermine the organs beneath it, even get to punch the bone. BCC initial lump reddish brown, sometimes like a pimple that does not heal, the edges stand out like a silvery-colored pearls. Over time develop into sores that can not be cured. Often mistaken for common scab and given an antibiotic ointment by medical personnel. Yes, it did not recover. Treatment is best performed surgery on the early phase and can be recovered. Can also be treated with laser, frozen surgical, radiation, and chemotherapy.

b. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

It is a type of skin cancer that affects more men, especially the elderly (seniors). It is a type of skin cancer which occurs epidermal keratinocyte cell malignancy, is the second most common skin cancer, generally suffered by those in tropical region. This type is more dangerous than BCC because 1 percent of cases can spread to other organs and cause death. Area SCC, especially on the skin by ultraviolet rays. It can also occur in skin areas that are often exposed to chemicals, heat, fire, radiation and arsenic contained in pesticides. SCC was originally seen as a hard lump reddish / brown, scaly, partially emerged over the age spots. More and bigger in size, itch and bleed easily and become sore that does not heal. The best treatment with surgery and when performed in early disease can be cured completely. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is also often appears on the face, neck, chest-V area and upper back.

2. Melanotik

Malignant Melanoma (MM)

This is the type of skin cancer the most vicious and potentially lethal. In America, the data obtained six of the seven patients died of cancer. And the number of people infected increasing from year to year. Malignant melanoma can develop from moles arise existing or newly emerging.

Type of melanoma skin cancer is the most malignant tumor on the skin melanocytes derived from skin cells that produce the pigment melanin. It usually occurs on the neck, legs, and back. Symptoms of melanoma growth can be seen from the changes in a mole that enlarges rapidly, itch, become inflamed, bleeding, and it changes color and texture.

Malignant melanoma is a form that is more rare but spread most rapidly and require the most intensive treatment. There biasannya Melanoma of the skin, moles or spots since birth. but it can also occur diamana including under the nails, the lining of lenders and heel. Form of interference can be a small lump (less than 1.5 cm) fester or crusty, flat or raised and can be colored black, gray or blue. If the cancer has spread, to form one of three forms that are difficult to distinguish which are: lentigo (flat, horizontal growth), surface (firm boundaries, horizontal growth) or modular (palpable, growing vertically).

Examination of skin is simply to find whether or not there signs of skin cancer can be done alone by doing the SSE (skin self-examination), especially on every skin, scar tissue moles or spots - spots since birth.

There is and whether the cancer can be confirmed with a biopsy, to suspect that if the skin cancer. The first step, conduct a quick self-examination to prevent the occurrence of this disease.

This information is very important for them that having a mole that then either change the color, size or shape, Moles sometimes itch and bleed when scratched. These cancer cells grow from melanocytes, the skin cells that function to produce melanin pigment.

Cancer is characterized by ABCD, A = asymmetric, irregular shapes. B = Border or uneven edges as well. C = Color or color that varies from one area to another. Can brown to black. Even in certain cases found in white, red and blue. D = Diameter greater than 6 mm.

Malignant melanoma is a type of malignant skin cancer, can spread to other body gets such as the lymph glands. Action taken on this type of cancer is complete removal of cancer tissue by surgery, has been known to occur when the spread is required further surgery to remove surrounding tissue. If cancer cells are found spread to lymph nodes, then inevitably the gland is also removed.

This is the article excerpt that the author can provide for information to the reader how to know the dangers of action, its properties, mitigation, and treatment methods for skin cancer can be quickly carried out the action. Hopefully useful ... ... ... ....

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Skin Cancer Pictures